NETCo Dems'
Forum Code of Conduct
Last updated: 2023-12-07
1. Respect each other. Address ideas and actions, not persons. Do not assume the intent of another person. Be honest. Cite sources where possible. Whether writing or reading, distinguish among facts, hypotheses, opinions, and misinformation.
2. Respect the forum. NETCo Dems provides the Forum to encourage the exchange of news and views concerning governance, public policy, and politics at community, county, state, and national levels. Posts containing fundraising for legitimate campaigns, political action committees, and related non-profit organizations are allowed; commercial and private fundraising are not allowed.
3. Avoid prejudice. Build arguments and opinions on facts and reason. Don’t pre-judge.
4. Be civil. Practice good online etiquette. As in any conversation, be courteous. Do not hijack discussions; stay on topic in replies and comments. If you change the subject, start a new post for it. Forum membership is controlled but content can be viewed by the public.
5. Use your true identity. Discussions on the Forum are not anonymous. Use your common name on your account. We require only your name, email address, county, and voting precinct to register; other personal information is optional. If you use a profile image, it may be a picture of you or an icon, e.g., an image of an animal, object, emoji, or similar item but not of another person. Please do not share your Forum account with others; they should register for their own account.
6. Do no harm. Do not engage in any activity or lack of activity that attempts or is likely to harm a member physically, mentally, financially, or otherwise.
7. Report abuse. Report abusive posts by clicking on the three dots in the corner of the offending post and following the instructions. Forum moderators will evaluate and act on the report. If moderators find abuse of these guidelines, they may remove the post and discuss the issue with the poster. In egregious cases, the moderators may ban the poster and delete the poster’s Forum account.
Objectionable Content
We do not expect objectionable content from Forum members.
For the case that we err and allow a troll or fraud into the Forum, here are examples of content that we would find objectionable and reason to remove a post and the source account.
Using a false name or account image.
Posting fraudulent content.
Promoting prejudice, conspiracy theories, misinformation, or other falsehood.
Posting judgments or assumptions built on unsubstantiated distinctions of groups, classes, or other categories to which one or more persons are perceived to belong.
Posting private or commercial solicitations for personal gain.
Dunning members.
Conducting personal disputes on the Forum.
Conveying threats to the safety, privacy, or security of one or more persons.
Attacking, doxing, berating, bullying, belittling, insulting, harassing, threatening, trolling, or swearing at one or more persons.
Encouraging violence.
Posting sexually explicit content.