US EPA Region 6: Food Justice and Sustainable Food Management Virtual EventMy name is Stephen Sturdivant, Region 6 lead for the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Sustainable Food Management program. I would like to invite you to a free virtual event where we will discuss how the modern food system impacts marginalized communities and what a more just and sustainable food system might look like. Our speakers:Rogelio “Rojo” Meixueiro (he/they): first-generation indigenous community organizer and student at University of Texas at Arlington. Lauren Ornelas (she, her, hers): Food Empowerment Project founder and president.When: June 28th, Central Daylight Time: 12:00PMCDT – 1:00PMCDT *** Please note the time zone is for Dallas, TexasMicrosoft TEAMS event:Meeting ID: 279 710 342 006 Passcode: oLchXM https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NzFiZDEwNjUtNjZkZS00MTJlLTg1ZTQtYWRiOWZlNGVkMWRl%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2288b378b3-6748-4867-acf9-76aacbeca6a7%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22e47c4abd-1b05-47f4-87e4-4d2f46f20584%22%7d